JFT Update
April 21, 2022
Cards for Kesler
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send a card to Kesler and her family. She is still recovering steadily in the rehabilitation hospital. Your messages of encouragement have been incredibly impactful to her family during this difficult time. If you have not yet had the chance, you can still send a card to the JFT office and staff will deliver it to her family.
Jefferson Federation of Teachers
2540 Severn Avenue, Suite #301
Metairie, LA 70002
Voluntary Transfer Process
The application window for a Voluntary Transfer is OPEN NOW. Applications are due May 31, 2022. Certificated Teachers, Counselors, and Para-professionals are eligible for transfer if they have a minimum of 2 years of experience in JPS at their current school, hold a valid Louisiana teacher certificate in the requested subject-area vacancy (teachers and administrators only), and are currently not on any level of an Intensive Assistance Plan (IAP).
Eligible employees who desire to participate in the VTP are required to complete an Internal Application/Transfer Form during the transfer window.
To learn more about the process and apply, please visit: www.jpschools.org/Page/4856
Sales Tax Renewal

On April 30th you will have the chance to VOTE YES for a sales tax renewal that helps fund our school district. The half-cent sales tax is not a new tax and there is no new cost to taxpayers. In fact,
this sales tax has been funding JP Schools since 1993.
If re-approved by voters, it will continue to support foundational needs like school counselors and social workers, salaries and benefits for teachers and staff, updated learning materials and technology, and the maintenance, safety, and upkeep of our aging facilities.
Make sure to VOTE yes for this important sales tax renewal.
Early Voting:
April 16 - 23 (excluding Sunday, April 17)
8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Election Day:
April 30th
7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Teacher Allotment
According to the JFT Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article X—Teacher Supplies
Teachers shall be reimbursed $100 per semester for teacher materials/registration fees for pre-approved conferences/workshops, including sales tax. A teacher who does not expend his allocation or any part thereof for the 1st semester shall be permitted to spend it during the second semester.
Reimbursement shall occur promptly but no later than 20 work days following submission, provided the receipts were furnished with all expenditures fully documented. Receipts must be submitted no later than the last business day of April in the year in which reimbursement is claimed.
All receipts are due Friday, April 29, 2022 for the 21/22 school year.