JFT Update
January 2023
By Larry Samuel, JFT General Counsel 
- Require employers to give advance notice of the use of biometrics
- Provide for employees to give consent
- Regulate how the data is protected
- Provide for the destruction of data when employees are no longer employed.
Our legislature has not yet passed any laws providing for these protections. At the present time, Louisiana law does not prohibit this method of obtaining information or data. That said, there will always be concerns about privacy, storage of data, data breaches, and inadvertent dissemination of confidential or personally identifiable information.
Unlike systems used by government and law enforcement, Kronos technology DOES NOT store actual fingerprint images. In fact, no images are stored at all in the Kronos system. Instead, it scans the ridges and capillaries under the skin of the employee’s fingertip and converts that data into an encrypted mathematical representation called a “hash.”
The “hash” is a string of letters, numbers and symbols that form a unique identifier that is then associated with each employee’s account. Kronos technology uses a unique algorithm, resolution and capture size that make the encrypted finger scan data incompatible with traditional fingerprinting technology. The encrypted mathematical representation created and stored in the Kronos system CANNOT be used to recreate the actual fingerprint.
JFT offers two (2) college or university scholarships. Each scholarship will be in the amount of $500 per year over a period of four years, for a total scholarship of $2,000 each. Children of JFT members, who are graduating high school seniors, are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
Deadline for submitting applications is April 3, 2023.
This scholarship is sponsored by the Union Plus Education Foundation and is open to students attending or planning to attend a four-year college or university, a community college or a technical college or trade school.
The Robert G. Porter Scholars Program offers four 4-year, $8,000 post-secondary scholarships to students who are dependents of AFT members, as well as 10 one-time $1,000 grants to AFT members to assist with their continuing education and/or fund their proposed ideas to strengthen and grow their union.
Kesler Camese-Jones has retired. Below is a message from her family.
Kesler Camese-Jones retired. In accordance with Article VII, Section F of the JFT Constitution, the position of President will be declared vacant and an election will be held to fill the position of President for the remainder of Kesler’s term, which expires in June of 2024. Sandra Hauer (Executive Vice-President) will become Acting President.
General Membership Meeting
JFT will have a General Membership Meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 6PM. Please register if you would like to attend the meeting.
Recording Teacher Attendance
A school-based teacher shall place only his/her initials on the appropriate attendance roster for recording attendance and the timeliness of arrival but shall not be required to sign out at the end of the work day.
Using the designated time-keeping procedures, teachers are required to sign out and sign back in if they leave campus during the work day for personal, non-work-related reasons. Itinerant teachers shall be required to sign-in with the time of arrival and sign-out at the time of departure using the designated time-keeping procedure.
In the event that the District transitions to a biometric timekeeping system, teachers shall be required to sign in at the start of the work day and sign out at the end of the work day, and as otherwise required under this section.
Welcome back! JFT wants to know how are you doing with your work assignment. What can be done to improve it?
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