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Brain Cancer Awareness Day May 9th

Representative Kirk Talbot presented a resolution declaring May 9 as Louisiana Gray Day, an annual event in recognition of brain cancer awareness.

Gray Day began locally as an effort to honor the wishes of JPPSS teacher and long-time JFT member Gary Leingang, who died in March 2010 from brain cancer. Gary taught for 30 years in Jefferson Parish schools and was a hospital-homebound teacher at the time of his death. Before Gary died, he asked his family to “make something good come out of this.” His wife Mona is a retired JPPSS teacher and JFT member as well. 

May is Brain Cancer Awareness month and May 9 was Gary’s birthday.

Picture: LFT President Steve Monaghan, JFT President Meladie Munch, David Leingang (Mona & Gary's son), Regina Leingang (daughter-in-law), Tia Russell (Talbot's assistant), Mona Leingang' and Rep. Kirk Talbot. 

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