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Repeal WEP and GPO: Stop Penalizing Our Teachers and Public Employees


Everyone deserves a secure retirement, especially those who devoted their career to public service. The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) threatens that by substantially reducing or eliminating the EARNED social security benefits of the millions of retired teachers and public employees who contributed to Social Security through other employment. Thousands more are penalized every year as they retire from public service because their state, municipality, or school district does not participate in the Social Security system.

This unfair penalty also contributes to the current teacher and educator shortages, as it serves as a disincentive for those looking to join the ranks of teachers as a second career when they learn that the WEP-GPO penalty will jeopardize their earned Social Security benefits if they enter the classroom.

Click here to sign the petition.

Our hearts go out to all of you in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. We know that educating students during a pandemic has been difficult enough; and now we have experienced a devastating natural disaster. The school system is continuing to assess the safety of each building to ensure that they are conducive for teaching and learning. At this time all schools are closed until further notice. MORE

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