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What Every Employee Should Know: Policies & Best Practices

Back-to-school employee orientation should always include a review of state, system and school policies and procedures. This activity may not seem like a priority while you are focused on that first day with students. However, you are accountable for knowing these policies and procedures regardless of whether or not you're received training:

  • Discipline
  • Employee use of technology
  • Student use of technology
  • Handling money
  • Emergency procedures
  • Selection and use of videos
  • Reporting absences
  • Dress code
  • Universal health precautions
  • Sexual harassment
  • Observations and evaluations
  • Any others that may apply.

All Jefferson Parish School Board policies can be viewed online at Please note that Section G pertains to employee policies.

Best Practices: while policies and procedures define your working conditions, best practices are the daily routines that combine official rules with your work experiences and common sense.

  • Avoid situations where you are alone with a student. Never be in a room with closed doors with students or parents alone.
  • Touching students for any reason can be problematic.
  • Learn which students have special needs. Provide and document the required accommodations.
  • Keep your personal belongings locked in your classroom or in the trunk of your car. 
  • Be at your duty post on time.
  • Maintain an up-to-date substitute folder and have lists for splitting up your classes with assigned students and teachers
  • Keep a professional file at home with credentials, documents, employment information, observations and evaluations.
  • Maintain a log of all contact with parents
  • If you have a problem at school, don't try to resolve it by writing a letter to your principal or supervisor. Talk to your JFT Building Representative and if needed, call the union for advice and guidance. 
  • As a rule, you should sign documents when requested. If you disagree with the contents, you may include a statement like "My signature indicates only that I have received this document. I do not necessarily agree with the contents, and I reserve the right to respond.

The best advice: If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, document the situation and speak to your JFT Building Representative or call the JFT office at 504-454-5047.

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